
Wednesday 8 June 2022

Part 57 A brave new world (for many reasons)

Today is the first day of the rest of my life. That was a quote I used when I retired last week.

I have finally turned 70 (going on 30 in my head) and decided that I was sick of what I was doing so I retired.

whether that's a good move or not I have yet to decide. I love not getting up in the cold and fighting traffic. My time is now my own... But there's so much of it!

Like everything else, there is a need to readjust and work out what I want to do, but I must admit, that's not a bad problem to have.

This is my first blog in quite a while and what a lot of history has passed in that time. 

Trump gone (hopefully for ever), Covid, changing the world in so many ways. The horrific war in the Ukraine and food and fuel shortages because of it.

The winding back of globalisation. Automation due to lack of employees due to covid.

On the other hand, in Australia we now have a new government that seems to actually be in the 21st century which makes a nice change from the Morrison spin party.

They want to use technology rather than deny it exists and actually do something about climate change other than talk around it.

As with all new governments, the talk is good but the actions that come from it speak the loudest.

Lets hope reality does have a very loud voice.

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