
Sunday, 5 February 2017

Part 32 - And the beat goes on

It seems every time there's a new news report (if you ignore Trump) it's about some new unrelated company moving into the autonomous vehicle (AV) market.

Google, Apple and now even Panasonic has a concept vehicle.

Automation in society today, as we all know, goes well beyond AV's.
Every part of our life is affected by automation and we all have pervasive technology in our homes.
We all have smartphones, smart TV's streaming video and music and who doesn't have the Internet.

Very few people today don't do at least some of their shopping online. Could you imagine going back to paying your bills in person or by cheque?

As time goes on this automation will increase dramatically and this uptake and acceptance into our lives is acceleration at an exponential rate.

This may be what it looks like not too far into the future.
Whether you like it or not it is coming.

Robotics is advancing at a huge rate and rapidly becoming normal within our homes.

AI research is advancing so fast it is now into toys.

It's already in business. This is an automated hotel in Japan.

It's not going away any time soon so good luck to bringing back jobs D.T.

Glad to be an Australian.

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