To be or not to be, that is the question.
This could well be the catch phrase of the Australian government at the moment.
With a spin doctor as PM we get nothing but vague statements with no substance.
The whole world has seen Australia's (Morrison's) non policy that encourages coal and gas production at full speed with the hope of undeveloped "Green" hydrogen as the lynchpin for our salvation. The world has reacted accordingly with Australia rated at zero for climate policy.
Add to that the fact that instead of encouraging electric vehicles by increasing emission standards or giving incentives to buy electric vehicles, Morrison has pulled another spin. Lets give subsidies for 50,000 charging stations in homes.
This is a win win for Morrison. There are only 20,000 electric vehicles in Australia and most of those will already have worked out charging systems. With no incentive to buy electric cars , then this is a very safe policy with minimal cost.
Great spin, zero result for climate change and car buyers but terrific PR.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch (before it gets sold out under us) is the fact that car manufacturers won't bring electric cars here as they can't compete on cost and don't have a large market so it's easier to dump their older, polluting models as we have minimal emission standards. Hell even our fuel is polluting because we don't have decent standards for that either.
So what can we do?
We need to create an outcry!
Australia has been a leader in technology development and uptake for generations, until now.
This clip is old, but remember it when it comes time to vote.
States are working hand over fist to get to zero emissions despite the federal government and it's showing results.
So if we do nothing then we will get nothing. Now is the time to get involved, help to get Australia back where it belongs by getting everyone from every party involved and get us moving in the right direction.
As I always say, technology, once it's out there it won't go away. If we don't adapt it to our needs and use it to our advantage then it will adapt us and that most likely will not be a good thing.